GLIDING BULGARIA is a small company with a mission to promote, revive and develop the wonderful air sports Gliding and Non-powered acrobatics in Bulgaria. GLIDING BULGARIA offers reservations for Introductory Gliding flights, theoretical and flight training. As well as giving you a first taste of gliding, these reservations make a great gift. GLIDING BULGARIA offers Gliding tourism in Bulgaria and North Macedonia, Greece, Serbia, Bosnia, Slovenia, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Austria, Poland, Italy, Spain, Germany, Switzerland, France, Switzerland, France , United Kingdom, Russia, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Namibia, Argentina, Chile, USA, Canada…and all kinds of gliding consulting, marketing, advertising and Logistics services in Bulgaria and Balkan region.
For reservation and more info: РЕЗЕРВАЦИИ ЗА GLIDING -
phone: +359887607845